Áreas de atuação

Direito Civil e Comercial 

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Direito de Seguros, Resseguros e Saúde Complementar 

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Direito Bancário e Operações Financeiras

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Direito Processual e Arbitragem

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Experiência e Reconhecimento

“Forward-thinking and hard workin lawyer”
André Tavares receives plaudits for being “an accessible partner who has a great attutude in meetings, Always presenting his ideas in a clear and concise manner.” Tavares often assists major corporations with dispute resolution matters. A commentator highlights “his vast knowledge of the insurance products available in the Market, as well as expertise in its various subsectors, which allows him to develop complex and effective theses.”

“What the team is known for Growing boutique highlighted for its strength in dispute resolution in the judicial, arbitral and administrative spheres. Significant insurance companies and trade associations instruct the team with loss adjustment claims related to D&O, performance bonds and acidentes.
Additionally provides regulatory advice. Banco Bradesco and Sompo Seguros are new cliente wins.”

Strengths Commentators say: “The team has great legal knowledge and Works really well in complex cases before SUSEP, in addition to being highly adept and studious.”

Daniel Chacur de Miranda is a partner in the Dispute Resolution and Insurance practice áreas. He has extensive experience in the resolution of complex comercial anda insurance disputes, handling cases involving large companies both before the major arbitral institutions and before the courts.”

Chambers Latin America

‘Tavares Advogados is a highly specialised boutique that stands out for its expertise in contentious insurance claims, both in litigation and arbitration, where it ‘demonstrates extreme zeal and deep technical knowledge’. The team also has a strong track record advising on loss adjustment procedures. The firm represents a mix of insurers, reinsurers and financial services companies on a range of products including life and health insurance, and pensions. Founding partner André Tavares is a top litigator in the field, and a leading figure in the wider industry. Daniel Chacur de Miranda has good experience in loss adjustment procedures and complex insurance claims’.

Legal 500

‘André Tavares is revered for his “deep knowledge and wide view of the Brazilian insurance market”‘.

Insurance & Reinsurance 2020 - WWL Ranking

‘André Tavares is praised for this “effectiveness and business-oriented solutions”. He is “a great lawyer, extremely hard-working, and driven by the best results for the company”‘.

Brazil - Insurance & Reinsurance - WWL Ranking

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Seguro garantia: Limites temporais e nexo funcional

I –  Introdução   Discute-se no âmbito do seguro garantia a licitude da recusa do segurador em renovar o risco, caso a obrigação principal (garantida) subsista ao término do contrato de seguro. Sabe-se que esse descasamento – não desejado pelas partes, a...